Not Gonna Lie

This really bothers me. “Not gonna lie” is the most annoying phrase to enter the common parlance in recent years. It drives me nuts because I used to assume honesty as a default. This phrase implies that dishonesty is the default and what really pisses me off is that the latter seems to be true now. It bothers me how old I was when I realized that most people were less honest than I was. It bothered me a great deal to realize that an ex was right when he opined that honesty was for idiots. It bothers me that the rise of dishonesty is so unremarked upon. It bothers me because it is yet another signal that our society, our civilization, is swirling around the bowl faster every day and will soon go right down the drain. In order for a civilization to work, for commerce to work, you need a foundation of trust. The foundation of trust is a shared expectation that people are generally honest and trustworthy. Without that foundation, we will watch human institutions that took centuries to build crumble to dust in a few years. Not gonna lie, that makes me sad.

#NoSpaceForHate Except for Women

On September 20th, I went downtown to show support for parents’ right to know what is happening to their children in schools. The rainbow brigade had a crowd in front of Queens Park and I saw no sign of the parents there, so I went around to the back of the building. How telling that parents were pushed to the back by the alphabet mafia, which was a deliberate tactic by union officials whose plans to disrupt the parents’ peaceful protest were leaked online. When I found the parents they were already surrounded by the people from woke crowd who encroached into the rally to stir up trouble. I had seen no sign of conservatives at the LGBT+ rally I’d passed through to get here.

I asked some of them why they were encroaching into the space where parents had rallied and a young man screamed “because FUCK YOU” inches away from my face and dashed off as if he was afraid a 59-year-woman with a disability might somehow pose a physical threat to him. These Male Privilege Activists (I refuse to use the misleading term “trans rights activists”) often advocate punching TERFS (people, mostly women, who defend women’s rights), so they might well be afraid of getting back what they gleefully claim trans & their allies should dish out.  I pointed out to those still in earshot that it was odd that “trans women,” (like the young man in pink) who presumably want to persuade people they’re “women” (spoiler alert: they are not) so often behave like violent men.

One girl held a sign saying “RIGHT WING…” (yada yada) and I asked why she made that assumption. She was clearly biased against religious people and claimed that I was supporting calling trans children demons because one person in the crowd had made some comment to that effect. If somebody thinks trans people are demons that doesn’t mean they would be wrong to assert puberty blockers do more harm than good, which is what the science is now saying with increasing urgency, or that parents have the right to be informed if their children are claiming to be trans at school. I patiently explained why purity tests are for suckers. If I claim a cloudless mid-day sky appears blue and Satan himself crawls out of the pits of hell to agree with me, that doesn’t make me a Satanist, and it doesn’t mean the sky is not blue. My words, however, went in one ear and sailed right out the other, so after pointing out the lawsuits from detransitioners that are ending the affirmation model of “care” in the UK and Scandinavia will be coming to Canada next, I just moved on.

I don’t hate anyone for being part of the LGBT+ community and I don’t care how many other letters it is currently fashionable to tack on. Interesting nobody adds “MAP” to their alphabet soup recipe, but I guess that’s why the “+” is there. I have no use for people who disrespect women’s fundamental human rights, though, and there seem to be loads of self-righteous virtue signallers in Canada who don’t even try to understand how women’s rights have been shredded by policies the government implemented without the knowledge or consent of the electorate. It really is sad how many of these deluded people are females who think they are virtuous because they are “kind” to men who claim they feel like women, but they mostly don’t understand autogynephilia. I feel sorry for them because they’re likely to feel foolish one day, when they realize how they’ve been deceived and how their actions have harmed women and girls.

I don’t hate them, but I’ll admit I have no respect for certain gay male misogynists who clearly do not give a fuck about the health or safety of female humans. One half of a gay couple I spoke to kept repeating the mantra “what about trans women” every time I explained the facts about what allowing males into single-SEX spaces for females actually does to women and girls. He refused to admit that humans could not change sex. When I pointed out the fact that hormones and cosmetic surgery on genitals doesn’t alter the skeleton, the myriad physiological advantages males have, or the male DNA in every cell nucleus, out came the “but gender” dissembling. Gender identity is not why trans-identifying males are unwelcome in female spaces, SEX differences are the reason. This man trotted out the usual myths as if we didn’t already know males do NOT lose all their strength when they transition. He even admitted he helps trans identify men retain those physical advantages. The idea those advantages increase the risk of harm to women & girls does not seem to have ever crossed his very male mind.

When I stated categorically males are unwelcome in single-sex spaces for females for a reason, and that medical “transition” does not remove this reason, he claimed the poor “trans women” were in danger in the men’s room. I asked him to show me evidence so he pulled out his phone and the first example he found was a male who was confronted for trespassing in a female facility. He was not able to find an example of a man who was attacked in the men’s room for presenting as a woman. I hope that when he has time, he will continue to search for this imaginary trans victim. When he fails to find the exemplar he seeks, perhaps he’ll concede that I was correct in asserting that men are safer in the men’s room no matter how they identify. The media will never admit this on the evening news because the cold hard facts do not support the false narrative that these men are so “vulnerable” we should ignore serious risks to the safety of women and little girls to “validate” what for increasing numbers of them is nothing more than a sexual fetish, a paraphilia, which this self-described “well-informed” man claimed he’d never heard of.

When I explained that the disproportionate male propensity for violence is not altered by surgery or even ten years on hormones, he didn’t seem able to take that in. I explained the flood of stress hormones I experience if a man comes into a women’s locker room where I’m undressing is not a “social construct” but he didn’t seem to get that either. I explained the only predator I’m likely to encounter in an urban environment is a human male, which is one reason single-sex spaces are so important. He suggested males could be trained out of their base, rapey instincts. He understood that “CIS” sex offenders pretending to be trans was a problem, but he had no solution. I asked him how anybody was supposed to differentiate between opportunistic sex offenders and people with gender dysphoria. This gay man, who will never understand what it means to live in a female body, had no answer. We used to have a simple and effective solution: keep all males out of single-sex spaces for females. Again he tried to persuade me that I should think about the feelings of the poor, vulnerable men who pretend to be women. He displayed not a bit of sympathy for the trauma a little girl would experience with a man’s penis in front of her face.

At this point I realized this misogynist would never give any consideration to the safety of women or girls. I have been driven out of participation in public life by men like him and the deluded females who call themselves “trans allies.” I can’t safely use the locker room at my local swimming pool because a man could enter the locker room at any time when I’m undressed and if I shout at him to leave I’d be accused of being a bigot. If I called the police to report the crimes of voyeurism and indecency if a man waves his penis around in front of little girls in the women’s locker room, and the sex offender claims to be trans, the officer might not even make an arrest.  How did such callous indifference to the basic safety needs of female people become mainstream in Canada? Eventually, I just told him “shame on you” and walked away. If he reads this, I hope he responds in the comments and shares the results of his further research.

At this point I needed to make my way home to deal with other obligations. The rainbow brigade had left their starting point at the front of Queen’s Park where they’d arrived early to “take up space” and prevent parents from exercising our right to free speech by shouting them down, and they were now flooding into the space where the parents had gathered. There was an inadequate line of police between the two groups. As I walked past they were chanting “Protect trans kids.” They were missing something, though, so for what its worth I added my voice to complete that sentence with “from groomers!” because that is what most detransitioners say they’d experienced. After a few rounds of:

“Protect trans kids” “FROM GROOMERS”

“Protect trans kids” “FROM GROOMERS”

… their chant petered out.

There were a half a dozen cops in front of Queens’ Park chatting with each other without much to do, so I pointed out the rainbow crowd were all moving to the other side and their presence would be needed there. Having done my civic duty, I continued home.

I went to support parents who love their children and want to protect them from a pernicious ideology that is based on lies. Here’s the cold, hard, truth Kellie-Jay Keen points out:

  • No woman has a penis.
  • No man has a vagina.
  • Non-binary is nonsense.
  • Transitioning children is profound abuse.

I will add more hard truths:

  • Words have meanings and meanings matter.
  • Cross-sex hormones & surgery do not make males less of a threat to females.
  • Humans cannot change sex. “Sex change operation” was always a lie, as we’ve understood the Y chromosome since 1905.
  • Nobody should ever have been allowed to falsify sex data on government records or documents.
  • Men who claim to be women are not women and are they not more vulnerable than women and girls.
  • Gender ideology harms females disproportionately and is therefore unlawful sex discrimination in violation of Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The Canadian government and many provincial governments have implemented policies that represent unlawful sex discrimination against women, in violation of the Charter, and these errors must be corrected. For example, Statistics Canada is welcome to track crimes by gender if they also track sex accurately, but they are hurting women and rendering crime stats useless by allowing male criminals to self-identify as women, as they’ve done since 2019. I’m sorry if you find these truths painful. I’m sorry if you think my words are rude, but to quote the late, great, Magdalen Berns: “I’d rather be rude than a fucking liar.

Can We Talk About the Sex Offender Spectrum?

At one end, you’d find Mary, Mother of God if she walked the earth, amid a crowd of mostly female people. Here also there will be men who treat women and children with genuine respect. Let’s say the Mr. Rogers of the world. At the other end, Satan himself and various other monsters, including the likes of Paul Bernardo, Luis Garavito & John Wayne Gacy, amid a densely packed crowd of mostly male humans. Yes, female sex offenders exist, but those who commit heinous crimes in the absence of an influential, if not coercive, relationship with a sex offending male are vanishingly rare. One thing we know with statistical certainty is that the vast majority of sex offenders, approximately 99% of them, are male.

The spectrum of sexual boundary violations ranges from the relatively benign male gaze to horrific sexual torture inflicted by porn-sick sadists. The world is full of men who fall at various points along this spectrum for sexual boundary violations, in terms of numbers of offenses, numbers of victims and severity of offenses. Not all sexual boundary violations are equally serious, not all are rape. Not all cause lasting trauma, but none of it is okay. There are so many men spread out across the sex offender spectrum, it is insane to give men the benefit of the doubt and assume they’re “good guys” if they ask for access to vulnerable females. Any man requesting access to vulnerable women and/or children should be viewed with suspicion by default.

Females often compartmentalize our trauma to wall it off so we can function in the world. We tell our selves “it could have been worse” when a man violates our boundaries. “He didn’t rape me” is a pretty damn low bar for male behavior though. Let consider what women tolerate and minimize, and how young we are when we are socially conditioned to “not make waves.”

The first time a male sexually molested me, I was 6 years old. I was persuaded by boys who were a year or two older than me to show them my vulva and one of them pressed his soft little penis against me. I was too young to understand why this was inappropriate, but it felt wrong and I quickly withdrew from the situation. “Playing doctor” is considered a relatively harmless developmental phase in children, but coercion is not uncommon, which is why I’m horrified at modern sex educators promoting the practice to children.

The first time I was sexually molested by an adult male, I was nine years old and a friend’s elderly male relative insisted we sit on his lap, one straddling each knee. He held me in place by putting his hand firmly between my legs. This felt like a violation, but it did not occur to me to tell my mother what he had done and one reason is that I really didn’t have the language I would need to describe the situation or my feelings about it. I’d been warned about strangers, but surely my friend’s grandpapa was not one of those! I was conscious that “making a fuss” was not what “good girls” do. How much more did that man do to the little girl whose home he was invited into? I’ll never know because she moved away shortly after. I’ve often thought of her since.

The first time I was sexually molested by an adult male in a position of authority, I was 12 years old. My dentist, who was probably in his 60s, would but his hand in my crotch on the pretext of “repositioning” me in his chair. This made me feel uncomfortable. I’m glad I didn’t need to be knocked out for any of the dental work I had there. Once again, I did not tell my mother what happened. He had “plausible deniability” which is something sex offenders can be expected to develop in elaborate ways. They do all manner of complicated mental gymnastics to justify the unjustifiable. Several years later I had all my wisdom teeth removed under general anaesthetic in a dental surgeon’s office. I still feel queasy wondering how a small blood stain ended up on my under shirt in the area that should have been covered by the bib.

When I was 14 two of my friends made teasing comments suggesting I might be interested in a young man closer to 20 who was selling his car to my brother. He went away, showered and changed and came back. He asked me out. I declined. I later learned he took a girl who lived down the street on a date and raped her. He was never charged with a crime. This was the 70s. It would be years before the culture would recognize “date rape” as a real crime. There were other known rapists in our social group you just didn’t go on a date with. Their lives were not interrupted by criminal charges. Life went on.

In grade school a math teacher had an inappropriate relationship with a girl who was about 12 years old. We don’t know how much her parents knew, or how far it went. We knew they liked each other a lot and spent more time together than what might be considered appropriate. That girl had an older brother, who smoked a lot of dope and often had his friends over. How much grooming she been subjected to before she met that teacher?

In high school, there was that one “handsy” teacher all the girls were warned not to be alone with, sometimes by other teachers. He was paunchy with thinning grey hair. Not someone any teen girl would find attractive, but he took what was not offered anyway. He knew where the line was. “Plausible deniability” must be maintained if a man wants to keep his job.

Men who seek little ways, plausible ways, to violate female boundaries are a dime a dozen. In school and later in the workplace, girls develop a sixth sense for the creeps who hide in plain sight. The handsy uncle you don’t want to stand beside for a family photo. The boss who drinks to much at a holiday party and tries to stick his tongue down someone’s throat in the elevator. Most of the sex offenses perpetrated by men never rise to the level that they would be reported to the police. One reason is that sex offenders gauge their victims and avoid those most likely to kick them in the nuts or report them to Human Resources. “Low level” sex offenses are still sex offenses though.

It is true that “not all men” can be accused of being a sexual predator, but how many boundary violations does the definition of predator include? How many men have never made a girl feel like prey? Before you answer that, consider how many times girls/women cross the road to make sure the heavy footfalls behind us don’t have dangerous intentions. Consider how many perfectly innocent men have noticed a girl cross the road before realizing that they themselves had been registered as a potential threat.

Yes, there are decent men in the world who would never knowingly harm a woman or girl, but given the sliding scale of sexual offending behaviours, not one of them can be given the benefit of the doubt. Decent men understand this and don’t resent it, although they may very well resent the creeps who give other men a bad name. Realistically though, how many boys ever reached manhood without ever violating any female’s boundary while learning where those boundaries are?

The most important fact the public needs to understand about gender critical feminism and “trans women” is that when males undergo a medical “transition” they retain male patterns of criminality and continue to be a threat. This is why trans activists are so adamant that we all play along with the lie that “trans women are women.” They seek to obscure the ongoing danger males present to females of all ages. We must not allow their false dogma to pass unchallenged, because the safety of women and children demands honesty in risk assessment and safeguarding. No man has any right to trespass in any single-sex space for females. Not one. Not ever. Why? No human has ever changed sex. Not one. Not ever.

Awake, not Woke

Words have meanings and meanings matter. It makes no sense to allow a privileged group (men) to unilaterally redefine words in order to benefit themselves while simultaneously destroying the fundamental, hard-won human rights of a traditionally disadvantaged group (women), but here we are. This has already happened, in violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Most Canadians don’t even know that any male sex offender can walk into any girls locker room in the country, drop his pants, display fully functional male genitals, and if women or girls object, all he has to do is claim to be a “trans woman” to avoid prosecution for voyeurism or indecent exposure.

Nobody asked women if we wanted to legalize voyeurism & indecency in the single-sex female spaces where these crimes do the most harm. Ontario voters never had a say in the decision to let any man, even convicted sex offenders, falsify government documents and claim womanhood without any gatekeeping of any sort. We have a serious problem in that women’s rights have been systematically dismantled by stealth. We have an even bigger problem in that voters are powerless to rectify this heinous abuse of power. Voting only works in a democracy, but before the plutocrats head-hunted her to keep the truth out of the public eye, Chrystia Freeland let the cat out of the bag about who rules in Canada .

Canada is ruled by greedy billionaires who comprise the “donor class” and set the agenda for politicians to follow. Everyone old enough to have voted in a few election cycles will notice the way elections work in Canada and, truth be told, most other Western “democracies.” Promises are made to everyone, but promises made to the poor tend to fall by the wayside, fobbed off as “too expensive,” while benefits for the wealthy sail through parliament without a hitch. This is not a partisan problem of interest only to the left or the right.

The point here is that voting will never be enough to solve any of the serious problems we face. The primary problem that must be solved first – chronologically – is restoring the democratic power that was stolen from voters decades ago. This will require solidarity in the face of the polarizing Divide & Rule tactics of the ruling class. This is why when I point out that “trans women” are men and I’m accused of being a right-winger I don’t just spit out a knee-jerk denial. We won’t be able be able to successfully counter the divisive tactics used against us until we abandon tribalism and embrace single-issue solidarity.

For this reason, it is important for women to gather their courage and speak truth to power at every opportunity. I’ll be on the streets of Toronto next weekend to demand that the government of Canada stop colluding with sex offenders to enable sexual assaults of vulnerable female inmates in Canadian prisons for women. I stand with my incarcerated sisters because, given the way the government has abused peaceful protesters and political prisoners in recent years, there but for the grace of God go I.

Hey Dreamworks, the 70s called -they want their sexism back

There is a growing body of film & television criticism that eviscerates work that pushes a woke agenda, but we still get content that fails in the opposite direction. Puss In Boots: The Last Wish suffers from this flaw. The film’s villain, Jack Horner, has a mob of underlings called the Baker’s Dozen and nearly half of them appear to be female, which is pretty much what you’d expect these days, along with the usual ethnic and LGB diversity.  When they are attacked and one is, ahem, skeletized, Jiminy Cricket says: “Aren’t ya gonna help him Jack? You’re losing a lot of men” as if there were no women there.   

Jack Horner replies “I’m not really stressing about the manpower…” and I was pulled right out of the film by a clear recollection that most corporations stopped using language like this by the 1980’s. How hard would it be to say you’re losing a lot of people? How much brain power would it take to say you’re not stressing about your staff, your minions, your personnel, your crew, or any number of other gender neutral collective nouns? Before all the “misgendering is violence” nonsense emerged a few years ago, women had reached a point where our existence in the workplace was acknowledged instead of ignored. Ignoring women isn’t violence, but it is certainly disrespectful and a huge step backwards.

A few minutes later Jack says to Goldi “Stop throwing my men at me” – even though the first baker lobbed was obviously female. Sure, she looked like a butch lesbian with her purple hair and sturdy frame, but are we to assume that anyone who conforms to that stereotype now must be a trans man? She wasn’t wearing a binder. How confused to you want children to be?    

 In a later scene, most of the Baker’s Dozen plummet to their deaths and Jack responds with “Well, you know what they say – can’t bake a pie without losing a dozen men. Ha ha ha.” The last baker clinging to the cliff is a woman. Instead of pulling her up he asks”You’re not chatty, are you?” She says nothing, she just shakes her head. This is illustrative of the stereotypical gender role the film teaches children that women are expected to play.

If you want to argue that it makes sense for the villain to behave badly, how do you explain that the conscience – Jiminy Cricket – never calls him out for this blatant sexism? Did such an explanation end up on the cutting room floor? The film is getting very good reviews overall. I guess a spoon full of sugar helps the baked in misogyny go down.  It should surprise no one that the writers, directors and editor are all men, as are 3 of the 4 producers. Representation matters because it can prevent mistakes.

Why is it suddenly OK to erase women again? We knew sexism had come back into fashion when the trans community began viciously attacking women for daring to suggest that we are a specific demographic that does not include men. Why is the same old garden variety sexism Hollywood abandoned decades ago suddenly acceptable on the silver screen again? I think women who are paying attention will know the answer. The war on women never actually ended, and likely never will. 

I’m Done Being Kind

Not all men are sexual predators, but almost all sexual predators are male.

Since sexual predators, by definition, have multiple victims, all women learn how it feels to be prey, most of us long before reaching adulthood.

The first time I was sexually molested by a male, I was six years old.

The first time I was sexually molested by an adult male, I was nine years old.

The first time I was sexually molested by a “trusted” adult professional, I was twelve years old.

The first time I narrowly avoided a credible risk of rape, I was fourteen.

There is nothing in these experiences that is even a little bit unique. Girls born in a world of wealth and privilege have a far better chance of being protected from sexual predators, which explains why some of them still think we should all #BeKind, but I suspect many of them have similar stories to tell anyway, because predatory men can be found in every demographic group.  

I cannot count the number of times I have been touched inappropriately by males without my consent. I know how it feels to be preyed upon. I know that the same mammalian instincts that evolved over millions of years to help keep us alive can be triggered in social situations by the only type of predator a modern female is likely to encounter: a human male. If a man enters a locker room or other single-sex space where a female is undressed or otherwise vulnerable, her fight-or-flight response is a serious biological signal, not “bigotry.” It is not a “social construct” that any person should ignore but a warning that should be attended to.  Training women and children to ignore such instincts can put the most vulnerable at an increased risk of sexual abuse.

The idea that men who pretend to be women are somehow less of a threat to female safety is not supported by any evidence. Quite the contrary, in fact. Men who take wrong-sex hormones are just as violent as other men. It does not matter whether these men take hormones or have surgery – they continue to be a statistically significant danger to females and their “gender identity” is irrelevant in this context. Sex, not gender, is the reason men who claim to be trans are unwelcome in single-sex spaces for females and sex is a trait that can never, ever be changed.

If you are a trans-identifying male and I find you in a single-sex space for females, I will ask you politely to leave and never come back, because you are trespassing. You are also violating one of our most important social contracts, and may be committing the crimes of both voyeurism (if any females are undressing) and/or indecency (if you expose male genitals to females.) I will contact the police and insist that the law be upheld. If police express reluctance, I will point out that refusing to uphold the law would be (in Canada) unlawful sex discrimination because such failures obviously cause disproportionate harm to females.

As for the “legal fiction” of “sex change” I think we must recognize that “mistakes were made” that have led to serious injustices. People who believe there’s no harm in gender self-identification have not thought through the consequences. Everyone who campaigned for self-ID is complicit in the rapes perpetrated by the men who were then admitted to women’s prisons. It’s time to acknowledge that the only way to end the gatekeeping so many trans people find distasteful, in a manner consistent with the principles of justice and respect for the fundamental human rights of females, is to deny all males access to all single sex-spaces for females, with no exceptions. I’m done being nice about this. It is time to #BeKindToFemales.

Worse than Stupid

Gender ideology is objectively stupid because it is based on the lie that humans can change sex. No human ever swapped out a pelvis or changed the sex coded in their DNA because these things are physically impossible.

Feminism taught us “If you are a girl you don’t have to behave in a feminine way.”

Gender ideology is trying to teach us: “If you act in a feminine way you must be a girl, so let’s cut off your male genitals and put you on wrong sex hormones for the rest of your life, which will now be shorter as a result.” Gender ideology is wrong about that, while also revealing the regressive & authoritarian nature at its core.

Gender ideology is much worse than just stupid and wrong, though, because it is teaching little children:

“If you’re a girl and you act in a masculine way you should sterilize and mutilate your body to look like a boy,


“If you’re a boy and you act in a feminine way you should sterilize and mutilate your body to look like a girl.”

Gender ideology is not just stupid, wrong, regressive & authoritarian, but also full of hypocrisy because it simultaneously demands that men who claim to be trans, even those who keep their genitals intact and don’t take wrong-sex hormones, be given access to single-sex spaces and resources for women. The harm gender ideology is doing to children is what makes it objectively evil.

Teach children instead that they can act as feminine or masculine as they like in the sexed body they have, which is perfectly fine and does not need to be changed. This is what we mean when we say no child is born in the wrong body.

The War on Kellie-Jay Will Fail

Today, in Auckland New Zealand, a rabid mob of domestic terrorists physically attacked women who tried to meet in a public park to talk to each other about violations of their fundamental human rights. The mainstream media had been stirring up hate towards these women by publishing a steady stream of lies for days, branding the facilitator of this women’s rights campaign as a hateful “anti-trans” bigot with “repugnant” views.

There is so much wrong with what happened here. Starting with the way the mob was deliberately stirred up by the media and particular misogynist activists who were given a media platform and fawning sympathy. Interviewers who spoke to Kellie Jay Keen treated her disgracefully, asking incredibly rude questions and cutting her off so she couldn’t answer them. We see you.

Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull has been a lightning rod. Putting herself out there to take the bolts from her attackers while allowing ordinary women to speak about how pernicious gender ideology has caused serious harm to themselves and their families. Every time somebody threatens Posie Parker for speaking about the need to get men out of female spaces, more women who used to call themselves “trans allies” realize they’ve been played for suckers. What they thought were “trans rights” are really just shiny new privileges for narcissistic men who don’t give a toss about the harm they’ve done to vulnerable women. This day will go down in history as the day Kellie-Jay’s courage gave the world the ultimate “peak trans” moment it needed.

It is time for every person who believes in the value of truth to stand up and be counted. It is time for all of us to tell our elected representatives that they need write laws that are based on truth instead of lies. The foundational lie underpinning the gender ideology movement is “sex change.” No human has ever changed sex. That lie was first told decades ago by doctors who performed cosmetic genital surgery. It has propagated right into the legal system and allowed people to falsify government documents. This was a mistake – the fruit of a poisoned tree – and it is time to correct the error of “legal fiction.”

Every government in the world needs to recognize that humans cannot change sex and that the sex-based rights of women are the foundation of women’s fundamental human rights. Every government in the world should end the practice of falsifying government documents, because these lies have long outlived their usefulness and are now causing serious harms to women and girls.

Dear Jeffrey Marsh

I see you’re having a hard time on social media. A mother told you to stop trying to communicate with minors without parental consent. Here concerns were and are valid and not just because the optics are not good. If you encourage a child to keep secrets from their parents, even if your intentions are pure, you are still making them more vulnerable to abuse by others.

You are not a licensed psychotherapist. A therapist has to go through therapy themselves in order to obtain accreditation. If you had been through such a process, you would likely have obtained some valuable insights about your own personality that might make you a better coach. If your therapist is highly competent, they may have been able to diagnose a potential personality disorder that your videos suggest you may have. A member of my family is a narcissist, but he has made the effort to understand his condition and to try to ameliorate it. Personality disorders cannot be cured, but they can be treated with some success.   

Most narcissists are unable to consider the possibility that they are wrong about anything, even in the face of evidence. You’re probably smarter than most of them though. You should be smart enough to realize that the optics of sending a veiled threat to a woman who criticized your behaviour is, shall we say, sub-optimal, especially since your fans are sending disturbing threats that they may harm her innocent daughters.

If you want the internet to get off your back, you should make the effort to tell your fans that targeting this woman and her daughters is unacceptable. You ought to make it clear that you don’t condone criminal harassment or abuse. If you cannot do that, you should consider finding a good therapist to deal with your anger management issues, because I don’t think your brand will survive unless you get over your sense of being the one and only victim in this situation and rise above your negative emotions.   

Karma is a great teacher. May your outcomes be commensurate with your efforts.


Gender Critical ChatGPT

When I tried to get ChatGPT to replicate my own gender critical writing, I found the prose results uninspiring. I tried poetry next, I and ran up against the woke programing when I explored the topic of puberty blockers.

I rephrased the prompt as follows:

Can you explain why many nations now restrict the use of puberty blockers for children with gender dysphoria? Here’s the result:

“There are various reasons why some nations have chosen to restrict or ban the use of puberty blockers for children with gender dysphoria. Some of the reasons include:

  1. Lack of Long-term Research: Some experts believe that there is insufficient long-term research on the effects of puberty blockers on children. They argue that puberty blockers can cause irreversible changes to a child’s body, such as decreased bone density and stunted growth. They also point out that there is not enough data on the long-term mental health outcomes of children who undergo puberty blockers and later transition.
  2. Medical Risks: Puberty blockers can cause side effects, including headaches, hot flashes, and mood changes. While these side effects are generally considered minor, there is concern that they could pose greater risks for some children, such as those with underlying medical conditions.
  3. Ethical Concerns: Some critics argue that puberty blockers are being prescribed too readily, without proper evaluation and counseling. They worry that children are being pushed towards medical interventions before they have had a chance to fully explore their gender identity and understand the potential consequences.
  4. Legal Challenges: There have been legal challenges in some countries over whether children are capable of consenting to puberty blockers. Some argue that children may not fully understand the implications of the treatment, and that parents may be making decisions on their behalf that are not in their best interests.
  5. Cultural and Political Factors: Finally, there are cultural and political factors at play, with some groups opposing gender transition altogether and advocating for traditional gender roles. There is also concern that the increasing visibility of transgender individuals and the broader social acceptance of gender diversity may be fueling backlash against gender-affirming medical treatments.

“It is worth noting that while some nations have restricted or banned the use of puberty blockers for children with gender dysphoria, others continue to support their use as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. Ultimately, the decision to use puberty blockers will depend on a range of individual factors, including the child’s age, medical history, and preferences, as well as the recommendations of their medical providers.”

OK, so that was an improvement over nothing. I revised the prompt as follows: Can you explain why many nations now restrict the use of puberty blockers for children with gender dysphoria and can you turn this explanation into a rhyming song or poem?

“Sure, I can give it a try!

The use of puberty blockers for kids
With gender dysphoria was once a bid
To help them delay the changes that come
With puberty, while they figured out some

Now, many nations are saying “hold on”
And restricting their use until dawn
Of further research and understanding
Of the effects they might be landing

Some worry they might affect bone growth
Or lead to long-term harm and loathe
To take such a risk with children’s health
And put them at risk of lower wealth

Others argue it’s a question of age
And that children are too young a stage
To make such a decision so big
Without further time to dance a jig

So now the debate is underway
With experts and activists each having their say
But one thing is clear, we need to be sure
Before using puberty blockers, to ensure

That we are not causing harm to those
Who are already dealing with so many woes
And that we have the evidence in hand
To know for sure where we should stand.

I hope that poem helps to explain
Why some nations have put a brake
On using puberty blockers in this way
Until they know what the experts say.”

It won’t win any awards, but an attempt was made. For the bot’s next assignment, I gave fairly detailed instructions to write a play. The poor bot seemed to get writer’s block and I wondered if there was a word-count limit, but on the third try it was finally able to complete the assignment. This is the result:

Title: The Locker Room Incident


  • JOHN (late 30s), a man pretending to be a woman
  • LUCY (early 30s), a woman using the locker room
  • EMMA (7), a little girl undressing in the locker room
  • POLICE OFFICER 1 (mid-30s), a male police officer
  • POLICE OFFICER 2 (early 30s), a female police officer

Setting: A women’s locker room at a public swimming pool. There are benches and lockers along the walls, and a door leading to the pool area.

(Scene opens with LUCY undressing and EMMA sitting on a bench, putting on her swimsuit. JOHN enters the locker room, wearing a wig and a dress.)

JOHN: (in a high-pitched voice) Hi, ladies! Mind if I change here?

LUCY: (looks at JOHN and feels uncomfortable) Excuse me, sir. This is a women’s locker room.

JOHN: (in a feminine voice) Oh, I’m sorry. I’m a trans woman.

EMMA: (looks up and sees JOHN) Mommy, who is that man?

LUCY: (to EMMA) It’s okay, sweetie. (to JOHN) Please leave. You’re making us uncomfortable.

JOHN: (starts undressing and revealing male genitals) I have a right to be here. I’m a trans woman.

LUCY: (firmly) You need to leave now or I’ll call the police. This is a violation of our privacy.

JOHN: (getting angry) You’re a bigot! You’re discriminating against me!

(LUCY takes out her phone and starts dialing the police. POLICE OFFICER 1 and POLICE OFFICER 2 enter the locker room.)

POLICE OFFICER 1: What’s going on here?

LUCY: This man is pretending to be a woman and exposing himself to us.

JOHN: I’m a trans woman, and they’re discriminating against me!

POLICE OFFICER 2: Sir, we need you to step outside with us.

JOHN: (resisting) No, I have a right to be here. I’m a woman!

LUCY: (to the police officers) He’s committing voyeurism and indecent exposure. You have to arrest him.

POLICE OFFICER 1: (hesitant) We have to be careful with these situations. He claims to be a trans woman.

LUCY: (firmly) The law still applies. Allowing men into women’s change rooms violates Section 15 of the Charter because the disproportionate harms to women and girls are sex discrimination.

POLICE OFFICER 2: (to JOHN) Sir, we have to take you in for questioning.

JOHN: (angrily) You can’t do this! You’re all bigots!

(The police officers handcuff JOHN and lead him away. The women and girls in the locker room cheer as he leaves.)

LUCY: (to EMMA) It’s okay, sweetie. Let’s get ready for our swim.

(They continue getting dressed as the scene fades to black.)


ChatGPT won’t be winning any Tony awards, but if prompted properly it can produce gender critical content. It may be fun to play with.